
看了The Host。拍的还真有点儿引人思考,也许是小说写的好吧。人性,黑暗处让人自惭形秽,光辉处又让人热血沸腾。Choose to love;Be happy;外星人Wonda如是说 :-)。

一中一英 - 05.01.2013 - 05.10.2013 - abcxyz123.com


“How can man die better: than facing fearful odds, for the ashes of his fathers, and the temples of his Gods.” - from Oblivion.

最近看的两个电影,The host和Oblivion;都和外星人入侵地球有关,都拍的挺浪漫,也都有点儿深度,尤其是The host。禁不住胡想:如果真有异族入侵,许诺我们一个美好的未来,一个better world,条件是交出灵魂,俯首称臣,或是离开地球。。。我们该去反抗吗?会去反抗吗?。。。

写给以后 - 一中一英 - 05.01.2013 - 05.10.2013 - abcxyz123.com


Anxiety,焦虑症。Iron Man III里的 Tony,乐观自信(甚至是过分乐观,过分自信,典型的美国人性格)居然有 anxiety问题,仔细想来也并不奇怪。影片里对恐怖分子的描写,敢于自嘲,实在是值得我们学习。不过,小男孩提出的给Iron Man加stealth mode的主意可不怎么样,牛仔风格尽失,下集可千万别采用这个构想。


一中一英 - 05.01.2013 - 05.10.2013 - abcxyz123.com


Dear Lord, Dont't let me die tonight. But if I shall before I wake, I accept my fate。电影 G.I.Joe里一群美国大兵的战前誓言,也是一首 rap的歌词。除了搞怪以外,听上去好像有点消极,不过细一琢磨,只有极度自立,自信的人群才会说出I accept my fate(虽然这种西部牛仔般的自立自信显得盲目,虽然这只是电影台词)。愿赌服输,在后来打靶打赌那场戏里又一次得到验证。不找借口,输得起,是我对这些电影人物最佩服的地方。如果是不自信,不自主的人,绝对不可能说出I accept my fate这样的誓言。正如我常说的 :-) 》》》 牛仔性格与帮派性格

Infotainment,是指那些很酷的既有information又有entainment功用的小装置。Like Apple, the auto industry certainly has its own share of proprietary systems, particularly with infotainment. from 这则新闻

Solemnly,严肃的,郑重其事的。Christie has both joked about the issue and said solemnly that he's trying to shed pounds. from 这则新闻

Acquitted,无罪释放。追过这个 case一段时间,我认为她是有罪的;不过那没什么用,证据,证据,证据。。。尽管法官判读的时候都不相信结果是无罪,都要看了再看,但那也改变不了结果。陪审团的决议,那已经是民主的结果了,你还能怎么样?想抱怨都没有地方。民主实在是少数聪明人统治大众的超级利器。只要让大众相信,那个结果是民主的结果,就万事大吉;一切的折腾,抱怨,不服气都一下失去了对象。如果遇到了质疑,几个聪明人可以很无辜地说:“这又不是我的意见,这是你们大多数人的意见,你还要怎么样?跟我可没关系哦!不服?那没办法,你们中间大多数人是服气的。”。中国实现不了民主,那是因为中国人经过几千年洗礼,太过聪明,绝不可能被忽悠。所以嘛,忽悠不成,就只好铁腕了。就好比要通过讲道理去说服一个秀才,那简直是难于上青天。搞不好你没说通秀才,却被秀才绕的掉沟里了;但是,把刀一亮出来,秀才们一般就都老实了。如果真有凤毛麟角的杰出秀才,那恭喜这位拿刀的兄弟,他得到了一个绝佳的朋友。

Imposter,冒名顶替者。Cholesterol,胆固醇。都是G.I. Joe Retaliation里出现的。Imposter是指那个冒牌总统。Cholesterol的出现最为搞笑;激烈枪战后,将军被问到:“Are you OK?”,将车答:“My cholesterol's a little high”。看来“三高”问题是个全球性问题 :-)。

Frame Someone for a Crime,栽赃。

Brandishing,挥舞着(比如枪,给人带来威胁的动作)。Authorities said police entered the home and found the man brandishing a gun. from 这则新闻。也出现过Arson bomb,燃烧弹。

Anchor,新闻类节目的主持人。来自新闻:The veteran ABC News anchor is set to announce Monday morning on "The View" that she will retire from TV journalism next summer.


Mastectomy,Surgical removal of all or part of a breast。来自新闻:Angelina Jolie says she had double mastectomy

charcoal(木炭), iron ore(铁矿), limestone(石灰石)

Autocue(TelePrompter商标),提词器。来自新闻:'Anchorman' style prank has TV host telling viewers she likes weed

Straying,误闯。来自新闻:I think there's an understanding that when you live here with glass windows, there will be straying eyes but it feels different with someone who has a camera," Sylvester said.。那个业余时间去消防队兼职的同事,那天大骂新闻里的这种行为。

doled out,有一定规律的给予,赠与,施舍。Should nobody pick the correct six numbers, the prize money will roll over to next week's drawing and almost certainly eclipse the $656 million doled out to winners in Illinois, Kansas and Maryland in the Mega Millions game in March 2012.

epidemiological,流行病学。The WHO said Chinese health authorities were continuing with enhanced surveillance, epidemiological investigations, close contact tracing, clinical management, laboratory testing and sharing of samples as well as prevention and control measures. from this news。这则新闻里还出现过reiterate(重申),dwindled(萎缩),scale back(缩减)

make someone salivate,垂涎,馋涎欲滴

Scrutiny,审查。今天的新闻:Lois Lerner, the Internal Revenue Service official in charge of approving applications for tax-exempt status, denied wrongdoing in response to accusations that the IRS targeted conservative organizations seeking nonprofit status for heavier scrutiny between 2010 and 2012.

Hefty,沉重的。今天的新闻:Nearly all US states see hefty drop in teen births

Repentant,悔悟的。今天的新闻:Repentant thief leaves money and apology note for years of stolen beers

Scolds,公开指责。来自这则新闻:Nine-year-old girl scolds McDonald's CEO。比较有趣的是众人的留言,连看了三页的评论,没看到有人在责骂资本家贪心,商人无德或是政府监管不力,绝大多数意见都是:“这是做父母的责任。It's your job!谁让你带孩子去吃的,自己负责”。很喜欢美国人的这种性格。他们要自由,同时敢于自担风险。怨天怨地怨环境的,在这里让人看不起。

Make a splash,引起轰动。今天的新闻:In the 1970s, linebacker Brian Bosworth made a colorful splash as the Sooner turned Seahawk.。linebacker,线卫,后卫(美式足球)。

Porch,门廊。来自新闻:America's oldest living veteran plans to celebrate Memorial Day at his Texas home like he always does: on the porch, smoking a cigar and sipping a cup of coffee stiffened with whiskey.。我好不容易把烟戒了,要不然再捡起来?。。。:-)

Seismic,地震的。来自新闻:The volcano, in south-central Chile, has seen increasing seismic activity in recent weeks, but still hasn't erupted, authorities said.

Inhalants,吸入剂。来自新闻:The fire chief says no toxic inhalants are burning at the site of a freight train derailment outside Baltimore.

Atrocities,暴行。来自新闻:The Army staff sergeant charged with slaughtering 16 villagers in one of the worst atrocities of the Afghanistan war will plead guilty to avoid the death penalty in a deal that requires him to recount the horrific attack for the first time, his attorney told The Associated Press on Wednesday.

Succumb,屈从于,命殒。Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows 里面出现了两次,很好的解释了这个词。这个电影的影评不算好,确实有股“怪味”,但如果能抛弃对福尔摩斯先入为主的印象,就会发现拍的还不错。

Sherlock Holmes: Irene has succumbed to a rare form of tuberculosis(肺结核).

Professor James Moriarty: I don't blame you. I blame myself. It's been apparent to me for quite some time than you had succumbed to your feelings for him. And this isn't the first occasion Mr Holmes has inconvenienced me in recent months... The question is... what to do about it?

Cynical,愤世嫉俗。也是昨天看A Game of Shadows里看到的。华生医生对福尔摩斯的评价。

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